Commonly used audit software commands in script basic: data extraction
Commonly used audit software commands in script basic: data extraction, CMA sampling, file totals, population totals, unusual fluctuations.
* testing Benford's law, cumulative monetary amount sampling for audits, interval sampling, cross tabulations, account ageing, audit summarization, day of week analysis
* obtaining Chi Square, audit credit card numbers (Luhn-10), round numbers, top/bottom 5,
* producing charts - histograms, trend lines, Pareto charts...
Done using:
* Excel user defined functions (audit software)
* Menu (not a command language)
* Command line (command language)
There is no license cost for the audit software. There are some limitations, however. The software can be used for any purpose, including personal, commercial and educational, without any restriction.
System limitations. First, the design intent is for use in business applications, as opposed to science or engineering (although it might be used for those areas). There is no intentional "crippling" by system design, i.e. a limitation designed to limit the program's usefulness. I am currently in the process of testing, and removing where possible, any system limitations found which can be removed at a reasonable cost. The design target is to be able to accurately handle dollar amounts into the trillions. However, currently there can be "rounding errors" or other limitations.
This program received 3 awards
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